A mobile application designed in association with SkipTheDishes.

Collaborated with Shaina Danzinger.

SkipTheDishes Hackathon

In 2020, we knew was shaken by the impact of a pandemic that affected us all and even though this commonality unified us. The pandemic forced us to distance ourselves from what we once knew. The small businesses that are truly the backbone of our community has been forced to change the way they do business and the consumer now forced to change the way in which they discovered what is new and exciting in their community.

Stemming from these challenges, we want to feed the recovery of the food industry by leveraging the delivery apps we know and love. To help support the discovery of new businesses and the cuisine they have to offer. 

By seamlessly integrating this revamp into the app Skip the Dishes, we can continue to generate new revenue streams from existing and new clients while helping them save time, and money.

It is important that we continue to support our local businesses, and there is no better way to do this than standing by them in a time when they need it the most.


The Problem: Customers Don’t Engage With the Restaurant’s Brand

This isn’t the first issue that restaurant managers will bring up, but it’s a big one. When customers use an online ordering service, they become the customer of the app and not the restaurant. They pay the app, the app tells them when their food comes and a driver from the app delivers the food. The only time they interact with the restaurant’s brand is when they taste the food.

That means the customer is missing out on 90% of the restaurant’s experience. They don’t get to interact with restaurant staff, they never see any of the restaurant’s branding efforts and they certainly don’t set foot in the restaurant itself. When customers order through these websites it becomes impossible for restaurants to create an engaging and fulfilling customer experience.

It also becomes impossible for them to market to these customers in the future. When 3rd-party apps control the process, they don’t just take a cut of the profits, they also take all of the customer’s data. The restaurant doesn’t get an email address or phone number (in some cases) of the customer that they can use to market to in the future. All they get is an order.

Small independent restaurants have a hard enough job marketing to customers as it is without missing out on marketing to a significant portion of their customers.

One-time users don’t yet have incentive or reason to return to the app. There is a lack of stickiness. There is reduced profits as a result.

How might we give customers more of a brand experience when ordering through a 3rd party app? ★

The Customer

Skip provides customers with the means to order food by connecting them with couriers and restaurants.


...remove the frustration of surprisingly long wait times?
... give customers more food options? ★
... retain their business?
... help customer make order decision?
... help customer to order larger orders (for groups)?
...show recommendations for new ideas?

How can we give customers an opportunity to explore new cuisine? ★
How can we utilize technology to let customers schedule orders on a regulated basis? ★


Skip sends restaurant partners additional orders for their profit.


...showcase local restaurants? ★
... reduce food waste from restaurants
help restaurants utilize KPIs from delivery data to improve their business
HMW help restaraunts deliver more food, to more people, faster?



Increase loyalty to SkipTheDishes
Reduce overhead costs, increase overall profits
Provide users with more of an excitement/incentive to return
Help small businesses increase revenue


Pain Points

Lack of customer brand/restaraunt experience.
Local/small restaurants are under-represented. ★
Incentive program? Less fees? ★
Users want more scheduling options.
Menu confusion.
Improve customer delivery/customer service.


Businesses would find value in this
Costs would be lowered
Drivers would be able to make multiple deliveries
Subscription model would grow
This can be integrated into SkipTheDishes


Marcus Reid

Age: 28
Location: Toronto, Canada
Occupation: Consultant
As a working millenial, Marcus orders 3-4 times a week from Skip the Dishes. Marcus is strong subscriber to different services, like Spotify, Netflix, and his gym. Hence, he relies heavily on subscriptions. Marcus wants an easy way to get his meals, without too much planning. Marcus is spontaneous, and is eager to try new cuisines. He often finds himself struggling with deciding what to order.  Wants an easy way to get his meals, without too much thought.

Brand Identity


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© Fiona Zeng 2024